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Meet Abby : Little Yellow

Meet Abby, also known as “Yellow” to viewers of the Service Puppy Live Cam. Whenever a game is being played at Warrior Canine Connection, Abby is front in center, ready to tussle. We had more than one submission for the name Abby, so we decided to share both stories that we received for this name. The first one was submitted by Lisa:

Today I had to say goodbye to my lovely Abigail. She was the most perfect dog in the world, because she was mine. She is one of many I have shared my life with, but the only one to come to me at six weeks old. Here are some things I’d like you to know about her:

Abby had excellent taste in furniture. Literally. She instinctively knew the most expensive piece in the room so it followed that it must be the tastiest as well. She HATED arguments. My kids would get into it and she would run into the room, come up on her hind legs so that she was eye level with them, and bark until they stopped. She knew if you were sick, and made it her business to comfort you. She thoroughly enjoyed removing potatoes from the vegetable bin and hiding them under the living room sofa. She would do everything in her power to greet you on the street so that you would have the opportunity to love her as much as she loved you. She was an excellent hostess. No one came to the door without being greeted by Abby, along with one of her favorite toys – because why else would you be there, if not to play with her? She was a tattletale. If the kids told her they were taking her for a walk, and then didn’t do it right away, she would seek me out and “talk” to me, then start to run toward the offending party, Lassie style. This sometimes took several attempts on her part, until I wised up and realized what was going on. She wanted me to make them do what they said. Needless to say, we learned to spell around her.

If you’re still reading this, you now know a little about why she was so special, and why my heart is breaking. But you also know why I was so blessed to have her for fifteen wonderful years.”

This second story was submitted by Michelle Matos Moran:

“Abby was my first golden retriever. I adopted her and for 12 years, she gave me nothing but her unconditional love and happiness. Sadly, we had to put her down because of cancer. I miss her sweet face everyday. Now I have another golden and his name is Junior. He is 6 years old and is an awesome boy! I also have a German Shepherd. Her name is Lady, and she is 10. I thank God everyday for my doggies. They are the best!”