Thank You
/ Post by Katie Billing of Polar Bears International
Dear Reader,
I would like to take the time to thank you for everything you do to protect endangered species.
Parents, thank you for raising your children to love the environment.
Children, thank you for loving every aspect in life.
Teens, thank you for showing the older generations how important the environment is.
College Students, thank you for taking time out of life to empower people to change.
Teachers, thank you for creating passion for the environment, and instilling knowledge in your students.
Scientists, thank you for the hard research you have spent years working on.
Zookeepers, thank you for loving and protecting animals in zoos.
Non-Profit Organizations, thank you for your dedication for the preservation of species on earth.
CEO’s, thank you for your leadership and passion to create change.
Media Corporations, thank you for capturing the beauty of mother earth and sharing it around the world.
Local Businesses, thank you for making the choice to become GREEN. Thank you for reducing pollution in our towns.
Government, thank you for the laws that preserve the environment.
I apologize if I missed someone. The point is that across the globe people have been working together. We are all connected in many ways. There is only one planet earth, and it is our job to take care of it. Our children and great grandchildren deserve the best. They deserve to have wildlife and nature to fall in love with. Thank you for the efforts you make to protect the polar bears. Our job is not yet complete. Let’s continue our efforts and create more actions to show the world that we care about the bear and we will not give up.
-Arctic Ambassador Katie Billing
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