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Panda Cams are back, now at Wolong Panda Center

Great news! Panda Cams are back live, now streaming from the Gengda Wolong Panda Center. The Center is located in the heart of the Wolong Nature Reserve, whose mountains serve as a breathtaking backdrop to all the adorable panda action. Welcome to our four new cameras!


10th Annual Hug My Baby Event A Success!

Thank you to our friends at CCRCGP for the fabulous photos and summary of the 10th Annual Hug my Baby event. “Hug my Baby” is an annual event sponsored by The China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP) and the Wolong Panda Club to thank adopters for their support of the Giant

giant panda bear cub

What do Giant Pandas eat?

As we’ve all stuffed ourselves today, it got us thinking… What do Giant Pandas eat, anyway? Giant Pandas are classified as carnivores; however their diet is closer to that of herbivores, since their diet consists almost entirely of bamboo stalks, shoots and roots. They eat from 25 to 40 pounds per day. There are about 25

panda sledding

Winter is here!

While some parts of the world (shout out to Buffalo, NY!) are probably tired of the snow, Da Mao seems to be enjoying it. Da Mao is a 6 year old male who currently lives at the Toronto Zoo, on loan from China until 2018.

panda cubs snuggling

Top 5 Panda Snapshots

This week’s favorites (like the snapshot above from PatriciaD) really capture the many sides of Giant Pandas: the playful, the lounging, the snacking and the beautiful. Keep sharing your snapshots with our online community, and make sure you visit the live cams!

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