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Osprey Insights

Explore.org fans share the low down on the Audubon/explore.org Osprey Nest Live Cam from Hog Island!

If you’re new or just want to recap, see below for some Osprey watching essentials!

  • Our Osprey couple is in their third year (on our live cam) of mating. Ospreys often mate for life, and this couple’s going strong – despite the young females who make passes at Steve every new season!
  • Rachel and Steve get their names from National Audubon Society’s Vice President for Bird Conservation, Stephen Kress, and marine biologist and conservationist, Rachel Carson, who was also the author of Silent Spring (read more here).
  • You can tell them apart in a couple of ways: 1. Rachel (bottom) has a brown “necklace” on her chest feathers while Steve’s (top) is all white. 2. Also, Steve is a bit smaller and has “a patch of discolored (orange like) feathers on the back of his neck and Rachel does not.”
  • Their first egg was laid on April 28 and the second on May 1. Ospreys will lay 2-4 eggs, which incubate for 35-42 days.
  • Osprey eggs do not hatch all at once. Rather, the first chick emerges up to five days before the last one. This arrangement favors the first hatched chicks which permits them to thrive in years of poor food supplies.
  • The male and females take turns incubating but Rachel will do most of it, and Steve will provide her with most of her meals.

Happy watching Osprey lovers – and thanks to fans, crystalmoon and DryEraser  for the photos and tips!