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Live Seal Cam Chat with NOAA

Join us tomorrow for a live chat on the Gray Seal Pupping Cam – 10am PT/ 1pm ET!

Stephanie Wood from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will be fielding questions from our explore.org fans and community regarding the gray seals of Seal Island tomorrow (Wednesday).

Stephanie has worked on several pinniped studies in the northeast U.S. including seal captures and tagging, aerial survey work and food habits studies. She received a Ph.D.in Biology from the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Her dissertation research focused on the recovering gray seal population in the northeast U.S. She is currently a contract biologist for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center and an adjunct lecturer for the University of Massachusetts, Boston.

You can send Stephanie your questions and follow her comments in the handle “Stephanie Wood.” See you there!