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Kitten Rescue Cam Leads to Adoptions

Explore.org fan Tipper-WA, AKA Gwen, sent us a fantastic update on the Kitten Rescue Cam writing, “In the past, there have been adoptions by viewers who discovered the kittens on Kitten Rescue Cam on explore.org, but this is a really big week for them!” She goes on to fill us in on the recent multiple adoptions this week:
The big boy Tipper (pictured above) is being adopted by a kitten cam fan from Chicago! She has watched kitten cam for months, and recently lost her orange tabby. She fell in love with Tipper on the cam, applied for adoption and was approved! She sent his carrier and harness to KR so he could get used to his travel gear, and now she has flown to LA and [met him for the first time yesterday].  …They will leave LA for Chicago on Friday! He is dearly loved by all the fans and he’s an international star on Kitten Cam.  Tune in for a farewell party to Tipper this Friday around 11:30am PST!
In addition, two local Kitten Cam fans fell in love with the felines as well, attended adoptions at Petsmart, and are now going home with four of the kittens (Zuko, Zuzu, and Leia with one adopter, and Yoda with the other).  Their departure will probably be the end of the week as well.
Anyway, all of this is possible because of the great work done by the folks at Kitten Rescue as well as the exposure the kittens receive on explore.org.
Thank you Tipper-WA! Congratulations kittens! And don’t forget to tune in for the farewell party Friday on the Live Kitten Rescue Cam.


  1. SantaFeCats

    Many local shelters/rescues across the country have benefited as well, since explore.org cam-viewers have been reminded of the important needs of the many animals in their own communities looking for their forever homes. Can’t adopt? Foster! Can’t foster? Donate or volunteer. We do this because we love your own kitties and by doing so we can help ALL of them.

  2. Karen Naze

    I’m so glad all the kittens have found forever homes. Please who ever taking them keep in touch with pictures etc. I’m truly going to miss them all I have been watching for months and have got very attached. Thank god I have half day of work tomorrow to watch the farewell party. : )