New Earth Organization is the team responsible for managing and coordinating our camera operations. The non-profit manages a large team of volunteer camera operators as well as a job development program team that is based in Los Angeles, CA. As an organization, New Earth provides mentor-based arts, educational, and vocational programs that empower juvenile justice and system involved youth ages 13-25 to transform their lives, move toward positive, healthier life choices, and realize their full potential as contributing members of our community.

Some of the job development program team at work at the New Earth Arts and Leadership Center.
The partnership between New Earth and has given the organization a wonderful opportunity to give the young men and women in their program positions as camera operators and a new lens in which to discover the world. These young program alumni are taught how to be camera operators as well as job skills that are pivotal to gaining successful employment. They work side by side (in cyber space) with the phenomenal volunteers that New Earth has; these operators are located all over the world!

By CamOp Fawn
The position of remote camera operator is a pretty unique one. Our operators are directors and cinematographers of the views that we all see on They are also citizen scientists and social media aficionados. These operators are there for the best of times on our cameras as well as the really tough moments. Our operators give their time selflessly so that our community can have the views that we do. From kittens, service dogs, bison, bears and so many more, our camera operators capture them all on!

By CamOp Scout
Both and New Earth would not be the places they are without the wonderful team of camera operators that we have. They enrich and enhance all of our lives by giving their time and skills to our community. Let’s give them a shout out for the tremendous job that they do!

By CamOp Doug