Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Maras Salt Flats in the Sacred Valley, Peru

Explore travels Peru: Day 2

The explore team is traveling Peru in an epic philanthropic fact-finding mission to check out humanitarian organizations.


Charlie and Lily with children of the foundation

Today we visited the Fundación Niños del Arco Iris in Urubamba, Peru. The foundation provides housing and education for young children in the community, as well as dental and medical care for lower income families. Students at the foundation can learn English, IT, and other subjects, and receive job training in the hospitality industry. 100% of graduates from their job training program are matched with a job. You can learn more about them on their Facebook page.

Then we made a visit to the Maras Salt Flats in the Sacred Valley, where several local families labor year round to harvest salt.

We’ve also met many, many alpacas.

Alpaca friends

Alpaca friends

We’ll bring you more updates from Peru!