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Spirit’s New Path

Eight months ago, a great friend to K9s for Warriors graciously fostered a lab puppy for their program (the little puppy you see perched on his hind legs, anticipating a treat). His foster parent Meg named him Spirit. Meg opened her heart and her home to this little guy, putting him through potty training, taking him on many socialization outings, enduring the dreaded ‘chewing phase.’ Spirit became a huge part of her family, and Meg trained Spirit so well in such a short period of time that he became very advanced for his age. All along, Meg knew the day would come when Spirit would have to leave to begin his journey with a new Warrior. That day was yesterday.

Spirit was placed with a Navy Warrior named Ryan. It was bittersweet for Meg and her family, all of who gave up a part of themselves unselfishly for the benefit of a special warrior.