Keep an eye out for these helpful guides from our partners on the ground in Mpala, Kenya. Follow along on the African Wildlife Live Cams and see if you can spot the predators talked about below!
From our partners from Mpala:
We’ve been getting to know the animals we see on the African Wildlife Cams and today is the sexiest one: Predators! Lets talk about the majestic, stealthy predators seen on the cams along the river at the Mpala Research Centre. Predator sightings aren’t regular occurrences, so make sure to grab a snapshot when you see them! (Post in the comments!)
The most commonly seen predator is also the first one to show up (around dusk), the Spotted Hyena (also known as the Laughing Hyena). The most social predator in the area with the most complex social behavior, these groups of Hyenas are Matriarchal: the females dominate the males.
Striped Hyenas are also common. They are the smallest of Hyenas, but in our humble opinion have the most interesting look!
As night descends, see if you can spot a nocturnal Leopard or Lions who sometimes appear out of the darkness for a nighttime drink. There are also Black-backed Jackals along the river, and packs of thriving African Wild Dogs.
The African Wild Dogs were almost extinct at one point, but in the Lakipia District, population has steadily increased and Mpala has a healthy population of packs and conducts cutting-edge leading research on these gorgeous animals. P
erhaps the crème de la crème of predator sightings at Mpala would be if you catch a rare glimpse at the lone and legendary 20-foot Nile Crocodile who hunts up and down the river, so make sure to grab a snapshot if you see this ancient fella pop out of the water!
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