Explore is a philanthropic media organization

What The Service Puppy Cam Means To Me

By Amanda Hepler

To those of you at Dog Bless You who are responsible for allowing Molly/WCC to have this camera set up to view Holly’s puppies, I would like to extend a huge, heartfelt thank you! I discovered the cam on explore.org via a link on Tumblr, and there hasn’t been a day in at least 3 weeks where I haven’t tuned in to see the puppies in action. I have been having some anxiety-related issues lately and just watching the puppies play with each other, or even just sleep peacefully, has been such a calming, joyful experience to behold. It has been wonderful to watch the puppies grow up before my eyes, and to discover such a wonderful organization as the Warrior Canine Connection. I have told multiple people about the organization, as well as pointed them to the Service Puppy Cam on explore.org, and I have gotten such a positive reaction from everyone. Thank you again for allowing so many people to participate in watching these darling puppies grow into the noble service dogs they will soon be!