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Tipper Wrote a Book!

He might have had some help from his new mom, but either way we hear this new book is purrrfect!

Karyn fell in love with a kitty named Tipper she met on the Kitten Rescue Live Cam. He stole her heart, and was soon adopted. Now making his home with Karyn, Tipper’s new mom wrote a book(!) about his journey from Los Angeles to his home now in Chicago. Find out more about the book here, and check in with Tipper on his own Youtube Channel!

Tune into the Kitten Rescue Live Cam and meet all the other stars of the show at explore.org. Congratulations Tipper and Karyn!

(Psst! Did you know you can see a Kitten Party every Wednesday at 6 PM/9 PM Eastern on the Live Cam?)

Tipper the cat and His Buddy the kitten

Tipper and His Buddy

Tipper the cat in His Birthday Suit

Tipper in His Birthday Suit