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Panda Babies!

Panda Babies! Two young pandas born last year, Zhang Ka’s second cub and Xi Xi’s second cub, practice climbing skills in the Wolong Nature Reserve. Sixteen hundred pandas are approximated to live in the wild today with 325 in zoos and reserves. The China Research & Conservation Center for the Giant Panda at the Wolong Nature Reserve was established in 1963. Today there are 40 panda reserves across southwestern China. These reserves protect not only the Giant Pandas, but the entire ecosystem including the red panda, the golden monkeys, takin (a goat like animal) and many other smaller species. Those early evening hours, just after work, are the best times to catch the pandas on the live cam from China!

*The Red Panda is actually its own species. The size of a large cat, it looks like a cross between a fox, a bear and a raccoon! In other languages it’s called small panda, gold panda or bear-cat.