Explore is a philanthropic media organization

Meet the Mods: Dogs

CamOp GeorgiaGolden

Moderates Service Dog Project Cams
Favorite Animal:  I’ve always been an animal lover and I have many favorites! If I had to choose only one it would be dogs. Labrador Retrievers are my favorite breed. I especially love Service Dogs and Therapy dogs/animals.
Favorite Live Cam Moment: This is a hard question because I have so many favorites! One especially sweet moment was on the Service Dog Project Puppy Hill camera. A school group was there visiting the puppies and Carlene White (founder of SDP) had joined the tour to speak with the children. Seeing Carlene sitting on the bench, surrounded by children and puppies while sharing her love for training Service Dogs was very heart-warming. Then it got even better when Carlene’s Service Dog Bentley joined them. He ran across the grass to get to Carlene and put his face right next to hers. His dedication to her was a perfect reflection of Carlene’s dedication to Service Dog training. Definitely an “awwww” moment!

Carlene and Bentley
Why did you want to become a mod for Explore? The Explore cams give us such wonderful opportunities to see and learn new things. I love being able to help keep the atmosphere friendly and welcoming so everyone can enjoy the cameras as much as I do


CamOp Cairo’s Mom Mod

Moderates Panda and Service Dog Project Cams
Favorite Animal: Pandas
Favorite Live Cam Moment: Any and everything to do with pandas [as well as] every [SDP] birth since the cams went live in September 2012
Why did you want to become a mod for explore.org? I started because Pandas did not have any operators on their cams and they were on Autotour, which made one of my friends seasick.  So she wrote explore and offered her services.  They said get some friends and I have been here ever since.
14.6.17 a Shu Qin Waving



Moderates Service Dog Project Cams
Favorite Animal: Dogs – Dalmatians are my favorite!
Favorite Live Cam Moment: Too many to name, but one of my favorites was Scarlot running into the arms of her human mom, Betsy.

Why did you want to be a mod for explore.org? When I found out that Explore was looking for mods and thought I would apply so that I could help Explore and SDP for all the smiles they’ve given me over the years.  Just my way of giving back to Explore and Service Dog Project


Moderates Katmai, Service Dog Project, and Kitten Rescue Cams
Favorite Animal: Soo many…. and if I don’t mention felines, MY cat will take offense! The Dogs, the Bears , the Birds, the Cats….. I guess that of them all.. looking into the eyes of the Big Cats, speaks to my soul.
Favorite Live Cam Moment: Again, so many… I guess what REALLY hooked me on watching Explore.. Watching a litter of Great Danes being born, at SDP
Why did you want to become a mod for explore.org? I get so much, from viewing these cams, gives me a chance to “give something back”

AmyKY – Mod

Moderates Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary Cams
Favorite Animal: It’s a tough decision to name just one, or two…or three. I’m basically a dog and cat person.
Favorite Live Cam Moment: I began watching explore.org because of Service Dog Project (SDP). I love watching the births of puppies and seeing them trained to become service dogs and helping people with mobility disabilities.
Why did you want to become a mod for explore.org? I remember when I was new to viewing and had so many questions and wasn’t sure where to find answers. I want to help viewers find their answers for one never stops learning! I also want to ensure the forum at the OFSDS site of explore.org is a friendly one so everyone feels welcome and comfortable to enjoy such a great organization. I hope that my small contribution of being a Moderator will gain exposure for the wonderful purpose of more senior dogs finding a forever foster.


Photo by Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary


See all community moderators for explore.org here


Want to know how to identify a mod? 

Each mod will have two identifying characteristics, one will be a “mod” badge next to their username and the other one will be a “mod” avatar. Here is an example:

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**Please note that depending on your device you may or may not see the “mod” badge next to the user’s name**