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It’s a-Live! Our Panda Cam Update

Over in China’s Bifengxia, the largest Panda Reserve and Research Center in the world, Panda Shen Bin’s cam has been out of order for a bit. But things are sparking and coming to life!

In the coming days, we’ll be getting this Live Cam live again. Subscribe to our social feeds to stay up to date and be the first to know when the cam comes online:  www.facebook.com/exploreteam & www.twitter.com/exploreorg

Bifengxia is Chinese for “Green Peak Canyon.” Construction of the Bifengxia Panda Center at Ya’an City, Sichuan Province began in October of 2002.  Like the Wolong center, the Bifengxia Giant Panda base is a branch of the China Conservation & Research Center for the Giant Panda, (CCRCGP) Wolong Nature Center, under the Department of Forestry.  The Bifengxia center was completed in 2003 and covers nearly 400 hectares, which is about 988 acres. Currently there are 58 total enclosures at Bifengxia and has grown to about 144 staff members.  The center has embraced it’s growing role in the survival of the giant panda.  The pandas have trained staff on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can learn more about the work in Bifengxia at Pandas International.