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Dogma Thursday: not a tear-jerker,

Dogma Thursday

This one will tug at your heartstrings, and if you are a pet-owner, it will be all too familiar. Don’t worry, it’s not a tear-jerker, it’s a love story of man and his dog.


When I peeked in he was curled in a ball on a rubber cot, sleeping and shaking as he dreamed, but he woke quickly and with one blue eye and one brown eye he looked at me.

“Stay here,” I said. “I’m getting you out.”

…When I came home, a thin letter was in the mail. A grant I had been awarded, a grant I needed to pay the bills, had been taken away for a lack of funding. I wanted to drink and punch the walls, but the dog didn’t care. The dog wanted to go outside, smell things, poop and play with me. He licked my face as I cried.

Check out our ode to dogs and the small ways they save our lives every day at Dog Bless You.