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Community Voices: God, Tradition and Celebration

Community Voices: God, Tradition and Celebration

We asked, you answered. In celebration of Purim, which ended last night, Alfreida, an explore.org fan, shared this with us:

I look back on 80+ years as I reflect on this question and appreciate how God and celebration has meaning for me. My first love was Music. Beethovan in particular makes me aware of God’s creation of Music. During my middle age, learning in Graduate school (Social Work and Psychology) about the complexities between culture and the brain opened me up to the wondrous God we have; that there are so many treasures to find, which point to a Living God. Now that I am an elderly woman, I appreciate how wonderfully made we are. I perceive what I think is His plan for this era; that is He is bringing formerly very diverse people together.

In summary the tradition of music, knowledge development, etc., point to a God who IS. Despite wars and conflicts, I sense that walls between us are falling.
Want to share your thoughts on God, Tradition and Celebration? Email feedback@explore.org.