The end of polar bear season in Churchill is always a bittersweet time of the year for us at Polar Bears International We are very happy that the bears are now out on the sea ice hunting, but that also means it’s time for us to go back south to our homes, ending our biggest outreach and communication season of the year. Don’t forget about us, though, we’re not done talking about polar bears! This year we had a great time watching and discussing polar bears and their sea ice habitat with you, and we loved answering your questions and hosting live chats. We could not have had such a great season without the help of Parks Canada, Frontiers North Adventures, and especially
We want to extend a sincere thank you to all of our partners! We also want to thank you, the viewers, for your amazing participation this year! We were blown away by how many people watched the polar bears every day (even during slow times!) and inspired by by your insightful questions, interesting commentary, and patient support through our technical difficulties. Even though most of the Polar Bear Cams are done for now (keep an eye on those Cape Cams!), PBI will be staying involved with
We will send updates throughout the year on the polar bear that is being tracked by, and we will let you know when the bears come back to land. We will also be involved with the Beluga Whale Cam, so join us again next summer to watch Churchill’s other big white mammal in the wild! Keep checking in with and PBI, and visit us again next polar bear season when we will bring you more live polar bears and chats with experts. In the meantime, please help us wish the polar bears a good and long hunting season!
To the Sea Ice!