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Back at the Hive…

A few months ago it was “cold and rainy in Germany today … so the bees decided to cuddle up to keep warm!”  – UW*Germany*. Did You know?  Over the course of a lifetime a single bee will produce less than a teaspoon of honey. Bees smell with their antennae and can taste through their feet.

The Honey Bee

Brought to you by explore.org fan, riverrocks! Watch them live to better understand the life of the honey bee in all its intricacy, and take the bee quiz challenge!  (HOBOS online)


2 sweet weeks of facts about honey bees: Last but not least… 14. Just how important are honeybees to the human diet? Typically, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, these under-appreciated workers pollinate 80 percent of our flowering crops which constitute 1/3 of everything we eat. Losing them could affect not only dietary staples such


2 sweet weeks of facts about honey bees 13. While workers select which fertilized eggs to brood in queen or worker cells, the queen decides the sex of her young. In a mechanism of sex determination known as haplodiploidy, fertilized eggs will become female offspring, while unfertilized eggs will become males. (PBS NOVA)  See our


2 sweet weeks of facts about honey bees 11. It’s Not Easy Being Queen In one day a queen can lay her weight in eggs. She will lay one egg per minute, day and night, for a total of 1,500 eggs over a 24-hour period and 200,000 eggs in a year. Should she stop her

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