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My Service Dog Changed My Life

Post by Becki, Navy Veteran

About a year ago I applied for a service dog through Brigadoon Service Dogs. I needed a dog for anxiety and panic attacks due to PTSD. I went out several times to meet different dogs and see if I was a match with any of them. The first day I went and met several dogs but the one I instantly liked was spoken for by a friend of mine. I did not take a second look at her. I started making my list and sent the list in each time I was there and ranked the other dogs in order of who I thought would work best for me. I just never seemed to have a connection with any of the dogs.

Finally I went back and the dogs had been brought back from the prison program where they were being trained. After a long day of meeting the other dogs and getting really down about not having a match yet, I was handed Bella. She was the dog I liked in the beginning but she was not available. I went and sat down on the grass with her because it was extremely hot and I was tired. She immediately crawled into my lap and curled up, licking my face and snuggling with me. It was at this moment that she chose me. I did not choose her or even look in her direction before this because as far as I knew she was taken by my friend. I was holding her because someone else wanted the dog I was working with and I had no one else to work with. She is truly a gift from God and she has made my life exponentially better. I am able to leave my house again and go into public places. She comforts me and she keeps me safe. She is a friend when I need one and my protector when I need one. She always knows what I need and she is giving me back my freedom. I am a Navy Veteran and I thought I had lost the freedom I enjoy so much. Thank you to Brigadoon Service Dogs for providing me with Bella and thank you to Dog Bless You for the work you do to get service dogs to Veterans everywhere.