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Floyd & Roxy Want You to Know…

Our Magellanic Penguin couple, Floyd & Roxy, are lining up to tell you a few things about Penguin mating and this year’s hopes for another chick!

  • September thru mid-April Magellanic Penguins breed on islands off Chilean coast and Cape Horn, and as far north as Valdez Peninsula, and the Falkland Islands.
  • Magellanic Penguins usually form life-long pairs, returning to the same breeding location annually.
  • In the wild, Magellanic Penguins nest under bushes, in stands of grass, among rocks, or in underground burrows that are dug into soft soil or peat, often on cliffs facing the ocean.
  • If they do not have a mate, male Magellanic Penguins advertise for one by making loud braying sounds and body displays in an elaborate courtship ritual.

See more at: http://explore.org/live-cams/player/penguin-chicks-cam#sthash.Xv7bGEuo.dpuf


(Thanks to Emma for the snapshot!)