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Growing Up Cat

Kittens hit puberty as early as 6 months. By 1-year-old, you’ve got a full-blown teenager on your hands! He’s actually the equivalent of a human, 18-year-old adult at 15 months of age, at which point he’ll be all grown up. While your adult kitty will still tear through your home, he probably won’t be quite

For Your Listening Pleasure~

“Kittens meow to their mothers to request something. When they grow up and become adults they do not meow to each other anymore! Scientists believe that the reason adult cats meow is an extension of their baby behavior and that the cat is trying to communicate a need to it’s owner! (More here and ASPCA.) See

Streamlined Kitty!

Whiskers are so sensitive that they can detect the slightest directional change in a breeze. At night, for example, this helps a cat slink its way through a room and not bump into anything. How? The air currents in the room change depending on where pieces of furniture are located. As the cat walks through the

Cat Fact Wednesday

Cat Fact Wednesday: We are Siamese if you please! Did You Know? The Siamese traces its royal roots back to the 14th Century in Thailand when it was known as Siam. This elegant breed belonged to members of the Siam royal family who would bestow them to visiting dignitaries.  This breed began showing up in Europe and

Meet Orlando

Meet Orlando… he’ll be your stock broker today.  He’s no regular tabby. In fact, Orlando is the most successful stock broker in a London contest this year. No… really! Several major newspapers run these types of contests (The Wall Street Journal has a dart board that goes up against reader’s picks – the dart board

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