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Champions For Polar Bears

/ Post by Polar Bears International

Here’s a window into the world of this week’s Leadership Camp students, who are on the tundra near Churchill, Canada, during the polar bear migration:

How do you even sum up today’s experience? We awoke this morning to a dusting of snow on the ground. As we headed out on a Tundra Buggy, everyone was anticipating our day ahead. We saw many amazing species while on the tundra: polar bears, Arctic hares, raven, red fox, Canada geese, Brant’s geese, Arctic fox, blue winged teals, tundra swans, and snow buntings. We had an amazing buggy driver, “Buggy Bob.” He was very helpful in pointing out the wildlife and going out of his way to bring us close to them. After our first polar bear sighting, we were asked to all step outside on the back deck of the buggy. We all closed our eyes and took in the environment; we listened to the sounds of the birds, felt the cold on our skin, breathed in the fresh air.

This moment of silence reminded us that we can no longer remain silent. We are the polar bears’ voices. We need to be agents of change. What can we do to inspire action in people around us? We already had many ideas bubbling inside of us, but the combination of the aurora borealis that mesmerized us last night, the light snow falling this morning, and the amazing animals we saw has really inspired us.

We can’t wait to do great things!