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"Since I've had Dexter, I've been able to go out in public by myself more often without having all the anxiety," says Iraq War Veteran Rob Robinson.

Watch This Powerful Short Film About Freedom Service Dogs

“Bugs is my little battle buddy,” says Michael Cates, an Iraq War veteran suffering from PTSD. “She follows me around like my soldiers follow me into battle, and like I follow my superiors into battle.”

This five-minute-long film gives a small glimpse into the mission of Freedom Service Dogs and shows the impact the canine companions have had on the lives of four veterans.

You will meet Sierra, Arthur Guarrero’s service dog, who helps with tasks we take for granted, like turning on a light switch, and taking clothes out of the dryer. Guarrero, who served his country in the Vietnam War, was the first veteran to be paired with a dog through the Freedom Service Dog Program.


The funding from Explore.org and Dog Bless You was able to provide 5 Freedom Service Dogs to veterans after the completion of the film.

EXPLORE The Complete – Service Dog Project Live Camera Experience