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Photos and Updates from Search Dogs in Nepal

We recently met the hero dog-firefighter teams the Search Dog Foundation dispatched to Nepal in the wake of the recent devastating earthquake. The organization has sent us an update and photos from the relief efforts there, locating people buried alive in the wreckage of the disaster.

Search Dogs deployed to Nepal to find survivors

Search Dog Foundation partners rescued dogs with firefighters to find people buried alive in the wreckage of disasters. A team of six dog-firefighter partnerships were dispatched to Nepal in the wake of the recent devastating earthquake. These are some of the heroes  keeping hope alive.

China Earthquake Update

/ Post by Pandas International A strong earthquake struck China’s Sichuan province Saturday morning. The earthquake’s epicenter was about 80 miles southwest of the provincial capital of Chengdu, in Lushan county near the city of Ya’an – near the location of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda and the Bifengxia (BFX)