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Spotlight on Big Cats

In a few days, nations around the globe celebrate World Wildlife Day under the theme “Big Cats: Predators Under Threat”. Here at Mpala, the home of African Wildlife on Explore.org, this important event will shine a spotlight on our mission to protect wildlife and their habitat using Science, Education and Conservation. Scientists are finding new ways to

African Wild Dogs

Join Us for a Live Chat on African Wild Dogs and Cheetahs!

Join us next Tuesday, November 25th at 9 AM Pacific Time/Noon Eastern for a Live Chat with experts from our partners at Mpala who will dissect the nuances of (big) cats and (wild) dogs.

cheetah family

Big Cat Facts: Cheetahs

“The fastest mammal on land, the cheetah is built for speed. Their elongated lower leg bones and long, flexible spines increase the length of their strides to enable short, explosive sprints. Long, muscular tails help keep them balanced at top speeds, and short but can go as fast as 65 miles per hour (105 kph)!

Celebrate National Cat Day with Mpala’s Wild Kitties

Since 2005, National Cat Day has been celebrated – internationally even! – as a way to recognize the animals that give us unconditional love and/or ignore us. Mpala Live has shared photos of some of the larger, more exotic, and less domesticated cats seen around the Mpala Research Center in Laikipia County, Kenya. Let’s take

Animals of the Serengeti: Cheetahs

“Found mostly in open and partially open savannah, cheetahs rely on tall grasses for camouflage when hunting. They are diurnal (more active in the day) animals and hunt mostly during the late morning or early evening. Only half of the chases, which last from 20 – 60 seconds, are successful. Cheetahs are also typically solitary