Explore is a philanthropic media organization

The love of animals comforted a family battling childhood cancer

We’re sharing your personal stories of overcoming hardships aided by the ever-enduring love from your animal friends. A particularly moving and emotional response came from Jennifer; her son Michael was diagnosed with cancer at a very young age.

Dogs lift spirits out of depths of depression

This week we’ve been sharing your stories of battling hardships with the help of you dogs. Today we’re featuring Ginny and her dogs Sarge and Billy. Ginny opens up to us about living with depression.

Finding strength to fight illness through the devotion of dogs

Many of you wrote to us during the Woofentine Awards to share your moving stories of battling illnesses such as cancer, enduring treatments that left you completely drained. But through it all you found powerful emotional strength in your dogs, who gave healthy doses of unconditional love and support.

I’m The Only Boy!

Levi is the only boy pup in Holly’s Half Dozen Angel Litter of future service dogs, so that makes this submission extra special. There were many boy names submitted, but we could only draw one out of the hat! Here is the heartfelt story by Debbie Gatlin Pissott that accompanies sweet little Levi’s new name: “Nine years