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Summer Snapshot Contest Winners for July 26th

Each weekday we’ll pick some of the best snapshots taken by our explore.org community. Share your snapshots in the comments of your favorite live cams or on social media for a chance to have your snapshot featured and win a prize! (tag @exploreorg for Instagram and Twitter; @explore.org on Facebook)

Singing for salmon! | Snapshot by CTBear

Singing for salmon! | Snapshot by CTBear

A couple belugas swimming by to say hello | Snapshot by Indydunes

A pair of belugas swimming by to say hello | Snapshot by Indydunes

Sweet, smiley panda | Snapshot by 4meowsmom

Sweet, smiley panda | Snapshot by 4meowsmom

Cuddly pile of pups | Snapshot by neni hiou

The cutest puppy pile you’ll see all day | Snapshot by neni hiou

Mom and cubs hanging down by the lower river | Snapshot by DMcC17

Mom and cubs hanging down by the lower river | Snapshot by DMcC17