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service dog

Meet Iron, the Dog of Steel

Service dogs perform amazing feats every day, like opening doors and turning on lights, giving their human partners the ability to live fuller lives. For people living with mobility difficulties, helper dogs provide physical support and balance, opening up a world that’s not always easy to navigate. These dogs also offer emotional support, companionship, and comfort. Tutu Yo, explore.org viewer and Dog Bless You fan wrote to us to share about life with Iron, her 13-month-old Anatolian Shepherd.

Iron’s been helping me since he was 4-months-old. I have Parkinson’s disease, and Iron helps me with my balance and picks me up if I’ve fallen. One day I fell down, and Iron ran to me and put his feet behind my shoulders. That was the first time he helped me, and ever since I can’t imagine life without him.

Thank you for sharing your story, Tutu! Check out more stories of Service Dog Pairings.

Tutu Yo and Iron

Tutu Yo and Iron

EXPLORE The Complete – Service Dog Project Live Camera Experience